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With over 30 Women-in-law speakers, we couldn't be more excited about our lineup. [our suggestion - do not miss anything!] 
** NOTE: The times in the schedule are already calculated to your local time **

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03:00 PM

Ways to Become the “Go-to Expert” in Your Field

Virginie Colaiuta

Virginie Colaiuta

04:00 PM

Competitive edge: start with a strategy!

Heather Irvine

Heather Irvine

05:00 PM

Building Authority globally: Essential Tools

Dace Luters-Thümmel

Dace Luters-Thümmel

06:00 PM

Women Rising: Your Personal Legal Brand

Charandeep Kaur

Charandeep Kaur

07:00 PM

Up your value to your organization–and yourself

Sarah Biser

Sarah Biser

08:00 PM

United in Diversity: Empowering Our Future

Paola Fudakowska

Paola Fudakowska

09:00 PM

Dealing Successfully with Diversity challenges: the African Way

Harriette Chiggai

Harriette Chiggai

10:00 PM

Simple Strategies for Creating Diverse and Inclusive Law Firms

Irina Paliashvili

Irina Paliashvili


12:00 AM

Moving the Needle on retaining and elevating women in law

Hilarie Bass

Hilarie Bass

02:00 PM

The law of the future and the future of law

Anne Macdonald

Anne Macdonald

03:00 PM

The Role of the Future Lawyer

Anca Mihailescu

Anca Mihailescu

04:00 PM

Developing Legal Talent: Stepping into the Future of Law

Michelle Bakhos

Michelle Bakhos

05:00 PM

Embracing and facilitating change at law firms and by lawyers

Orsolya Görgényi

Orsolya Görgényi

06:00 PM

The Secrets to acquire the Right & Relevant Skills

Kathleen Garrett

Kathleen Garrett

07:00 PM

Debunking the Mastery Myth: Developing and Contributing Your Best Now

Penelope Richey Kim

Penelope Richey Kim

08:00 PM

What the current & next Generation of Lawyers need to know

Tshepo Shabangu

Tshepo Shabangu

09:00 PM

Important & practical Lessons for Handling Stress and Stressed Clients

Neisha Shepherd

Neisha Shepherd

10:00 PM

Practical legal skills: Which ones?

Zoya Ilyenka

Zoya Ilyenka


11:00 PM

It’s Time for Big Steps Toward Law Firm Diversity

Mariana Estradé

Mariana Estradé

02:00 PM

Dancing in the rain

Barbara Voskamp

Barbara Voskamp

03:00 PM

Women Rainmakers: Think Like a Lawyer, Act Like an Entrepreneur

Ana Cláudia Akie Atumi

Ana Cláudia Akie Atumi

04:00 PM

Legal profession vs Legal business: can a woman be successful in a men’s world

Lana Sinichkina

Lana Sinichkina

05:00 PM

The Woman Lawyer’s Rainmaking Game: Practical Insights

Ilona Zekely

Ilona Zekely

06:00 PM

Saying YES to any opportunity you come across

Sonia Velasco

Sonia Velasco

07:00 PM

Leading Organizational Transformation

Terri Gavulic

Terri Gavulic

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